Gluten Free Perogies

2 tablespoons onions, grated
4 tablespoons butter
2 large pototes
2 cups cheddar cheese, grated
1 cup crumbled cooked bacon or ham
salt and pepper

2 Cups G.F. flour (I use Celimix bread flour)
1 Tsp salt
1 Egg
1/2 Cup water
1/2 Cup cold mashed potatoes
1 Tbsp butter, melted

Cook the onion in the butter until tender. Add onions and cheese to hot cooked potatoes and mash thoroughly. Add bacon, salt, and pepper to taste.  Set aside, let cool to room temperature before using.

Mix flour and salt in a deep bowl. Add egg, mashed potatoes, melted butter, and enough water to make dough medium soft.  Knead until smooth (use floured board).  Divide dough into 2 parts, cover,  let stand 10 minutes.

Roll dough thin on floured board.  Cut dough using a round cookie cutter or drinking glass.  Place spoonful of filling in each circle – fold in half.  Press edges together with fingers. If dough does not stick, dampen edges slightly.  Place on floured board and cover with damp towel to keep moist.

Place perogies in pot of  boiling salt water – do not over crowd pot.  Stir gently to keep from sticking – do not use a sharp spoon.  Cook until perogies begin to float and are well puffed, about 3 minutes.  Remove from pot with slotted spoon and drain well.  If desired, fry with butter until slightly browned.

If you want to freeze extras – place uncooked perogies on cookie sheet, cover with plastic wrap and freeze.  Once frozen, put perogies in freezer safe bag/container & they’re ready for you the next time you crave them!


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